Friday, December 3, 2010

A Change in Plans

Hi!  I've decided to change the project a little.  After reading through the "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die", I was amazed and slightly appalled at how few of them I've actually read.  Now, I don't think I will EVER read all of them - some of them don't interest me in the slightest (The Shining, for example), but I am going to try to read many of them!  Therefore, I'm moving away from my original intent of reading my way through the non-fiction stacks to reading my way through some classic fiction.
The first book I've chosen (since I had it at home, unread until now) is "The God of Small Things".
I don't think I will get through these books quite as fast, as they aren't usually the kind of books one reads through quickly.  I really want to enjoy them and find out why they would be in a book like the one above.  (1001 Books....) Anyway, I'd love it if anyone wanted to read along, and kind of discuss the books with me!  Thanks for your understanding, and thanks for reading!

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