Friday, February 4, 2011

The Last Unicorn

Ahhhh.... what a nice book.  I wasn't planning on reading this one, but it was my favorite movie when I was younger... (and I wish I could find a DVD of it, to watch again!)

I was just wandering through the library a couple of weeks ago (yes, I'm a little slow on the blogging, but it can't be helped) when I saw this on the new release shelves in the kids section.  I immediately grabbed it, since I don't think I even KNEW that it was a book before it was a movie, and read the whole thing in about 2 days.  It was lovely, and I think it's a wonderful story!  HOWEVER, I would note that I wouldn't read it to Thomas quite yet - I think he might be a little scared at some parts.  Having said that, I would also recommend it to people who liked the earlier Harry Potter books.  The story line is not as involved as the last few H.P. books - it's definitely along the same lines as the first two though!

Anyway, I've also taken a stab at Jane Eyre, and put it down - I just wasn't really enjoying it all that much.  I have also started Pride and Prejudice, and am enjoying that somewhat more, although I'm still finding it a little hard going.  This is partly because I saw (a) movie version of it, but I can't quite remember it well enough to "play" the movie in my head, but I remember it too well to be just imagining... do you understand what I mean?

Anyway, I may go look for more children's classics, because I think there could be a list of 100 of those too!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A brief Diversion

Good afternoon!  I realized that it had been a while since I have blogged, so I thought I'd update a little on what I have been doing!
Mainly, I'm attempting to finish a bunch of knitting that (should have) been done by Christmas, or shortly thereafter.  I've also been reading my brain candy again - I'm re-reading a Mercedes Lackey series that is one of my very favorites!  I'm on book three of the first trilogy, so I shouldn't need too much longer before I return to my regularly scheduled reading!  Anyway, if anyone wants an interesting fantasy read, I highly recommend anything that Mercedes Lackey has written - especially her "Valdemar" books and the "Obsidian Mountain" books.  There's a ton of them, so be prepared - if you like them, you may end up reading them for an extended period of time!

Happy reading!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Winter Break

Happy New Year!  I thought I'd write a brief note about The Winter Reading Project's winter break.  I will be taking a couple of weeks off to (try) to finish a couple of items that I promised for Christmas gifts (handknits) which are sitting, uncompleted, in my project box...
So, in conclusion, I'll post of Facebook when I'm back blogging and enjoying some more great books!
The next few up are
Pride and Prejudice
Tess of D'Ubervilles (Not sure if I've spelled that right...)
Jane Eyre

if anyone wants to read along!

Wishing you all a wonderful 2011!!