Thursday, January 20, 2011

A brief Diversion

Good afternoon!  I realized that it had been a while since I have blogged, so I thought I'd update a little on what I have been doing!
Mainly, I'm attempting to finish a bunch of knitting that (should have) been done by Christmas, or shortly thereafter.  I've also been reading my brain candy again - I'm re-reading a Mercedes Lackey series that is one of my very favorites!  I'm on book three of the first trilogy, so I shouldn't need too much longer before I return to my regularly scheduled reading!  Anyway, if anyone wants an interesting fantasy read, I highly recommend anything that Mercedes Lackey has written - especially her "Valdemar" books and the "Obsidian Mountain" books.  There's a ton of them, so be prepared - if you like them, you may end up reading them for an extended period of time!

Happy reading!

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