Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Beginning

After working as a page (briefly) at the public library, I realized that there are TONS of neat sounding books in the non-fiction section of the library.  Also, I realized that I have become a little stagnant in what I have chosen to read!  I have been reading "escape fiction" almost exclusively, with the periodic journey into the knitting pattern section. So I gave myself a task - to read AT LEAST one book from every shelf in the non fiction section of the library.  So, starting at 000, I chose two books to start me off.  I will continue this until I have read through the entire non fiction section.

My rules:
1.  I will chose no more than two books at a time, to facilitate actually reading them, instead of returning them to the library unread.
2.  I will at least attempt to read the entire book - although I also reserve the right to stop reading something that I find  entirely boring, or that is otherwise bothersome. (i.e. disgusting, going to give me nightmares....)
3.  I reserve the right to read MORE than one book if I find a section that is very interesting to me, applicable to my life (i.e. child rearing, knitting, TaeKwonDo)
4.  I will post here about my opinions.  I AM NOT a professional book reviewer or scholar.  This blog is a way for me to express my opinions about the books I am reading, and to track my progress on this self appointed task, it is not intended to be an actual "book review", nor am I desiring to do anything other than promote reading things that one may not generally choose to read.

For those who may read my opinions - feel free to comment (respectfully please) if you disagree, or if you agree!  I would ask that posts stay respectful, and that if you have chosen to comment without reading the book itself, that you are careful in your posts - ignorance is never pretty!

I welcome any comments and would love to find others who would join me in my quest to expand my mind and my interests!

Happy reading!

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