Monday, November 22, 2010

Winter's Here!

As the temperature has dipped - significantly.... - I'm hoping to get back on the reading wagon.  However, I think I may have to adjust my rules slightly.  I don't know if I should keep going shelf by shelf, or create some sort of other system, since I'm really getting bored with "conspiracy theory" type books.  I've already read my way through two, and I'm just not enjoying this section much anymore.  My third book (which I haven't blogged about yet) has been pretty much a dud as far as capturing my interest, and the 4th (which I tried out this morning) may be better, I'm not far enough into it yet.
So - my conclusions are that: 1. There are definitely interesting books in the non fiction section!  The first two books were good enough to convince me of that; and 2. There are certainly books, or perhaps types of books, that truly don't capture my interest.  Therefore, I am instituting a new rule.   I can STOP reading if I choose... even if I've already blogged about a particular book.  If I can't stop reading something that I'm getting bored with, I will end up putting the whole project aside, and I think that it's worth more than that!  So.  Now that I've cleared that up, I think I might have to head to the library at some point today!
Enjoy the cold with a good book and a cup of coffee! (PS - for those of you who drink coffee, my friend just showed me something great - put a little bit (about 1/2 teaspoon) of cinnamon in the bottom of your coffee filter before adding the grounds for a REALLY tasty treat!)

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