Monday, November 29, 2010

Books 4,5, and 6

Good Afternoon!  I've been flipping through my next three books, and I am realizing that the books I've chosen are really just that - "flipping" books.  You know, the kind that you really want in your personal library, because you only need to read a page or two at a time.... I'll introduce you, so that you understand my meaning.
Book 4:
Title: 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die
Author: Preface, Peter Akroyd; Written by over 100 International Critics
Dewey no.: 011.73 ONE
Publication Date:  3rd Ed., August 2006

This one, I hope to get a copy of someday - if a book is good enough to be in the "top" 1001, I think I will read it.  As I flip through, I'm going to make a list of the books I HAVE read, and see how many of the top books are on it....

Books 5 and 6 are similar, and later (when my kids have gone to bed) I'll blog about those ones too!

In an effort to get some comments going, would anyone tell me what your FAVORITE book is, and why?


  1. Not really my FAVORITE book, but I've read it more times than any other... Bridget Jones' Diary. Still makes me laugh every time.

    Have you read "My Blue Castle" or "Notes from a Small Island"? Good stuff I can think of off of the top of my head. Had to stop reading "Notes" when I was on the bus because I couldn't control my laughter and looked super-crazy.


  2. I haven't read any of those books Jess, but I'm going to! I think they all sound like fun! Thanks!
