Thursday, November 11, 2010

Book 2!

So I think I'm finished with conspiracy theories - I might read a little more for my own interest, but outside of what I've already said, there's not much more I can think of to say!  All in all, it's an interesting, informative book - I am just starting to dream conspiracies, and I think for my sanity, I'm going to stop now.    However, my second book isn't that much better, as far as weird dreams go.

So, here's the info on book no. 2 of The Winter Reading Project!

Title: Loch Ness Monsters and Raining Frogs; The World's Most Puzzling Mysteries SOLVED
Author: Albert Jack (random note of absolutely no importance to the actual project, but may be kind of interesting - my hubby is Jacky Steven Albert....)
Call No.:  001.94 JAC
Published: 2009 Random House Paperback edition

Well.  I'm just starting out with this one, so I don't really have much to say about it yet, other than it looks like I might not read a whole lot of this book.  (It depends when I can get to the library next)  Again, it's interesting, but not quite what I was hoping for.  The author claims on the front cover to "solve" the worlds greatest mysteries, then goes back on that promise in the introduction; "Given that I {Mr. Jack} am a fan of the unknown and the unexplained, I have not set out to be a mystery buster in this volume.  Instead I just wanted to tell the story, provide some little-known detail, and offer a rational explanation wherever I could." (Introduction, p. xii)

So although I was a little disappointed at first, I'm going to continue reading, as he DOES supply a reasonable hypothesis for the first few stories!  I'm going to go read now; you should too!  Happy reading!

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